January 26th, 2017
Tennis Providers: Attract Millennial Players via Free USTA Webinar
Numbering roughly 77 million, the millennial generation (age 18-40) makes up about one-fourth of the U.S. population, according to the latest Nielsen poll. As a tennis provider, you can’t afford to leave this group out.
This year the United States Tennis Association is broadening communications with tennis providers looking to attract and retain millennial-age players. Monthly webinars hosted by the USTA will focus on the best tools, techniques and strategies to help engage players in the demographic.
“These webinars will be an outlet for tennis providers to network with peers and ask colleagues questions from all over the nation,” says the USTA’s Stacey Percival, manager, national championships, based at the USTA National Campus in Orlando.
The first webinar will be held on Jan. 31, 2017, from 3-4 p.m. EST.
Agenda items include:
* An overview of the USTA Adult Social League Audit team and their goals for 2017;
* Why utilizing flexible formats and coupon codes in TennisLink can help with administering Young Adult Social Leagues; and
* Ways to get your Tennis on Campus participants involved in coordinating or playing in your millennial programs.
The call-in number for the webinar is 1-800-704-1867, with the conference code 25481#, and the webinar URL is http://usta.adobeconnect.com/mtn/. For additional info contact Stacey Percival at Percival@usta.com.