August 28th, 2017

Net Generation Coaching App. Available for Download

Coaches Workshops Adult Tennis News Schools Youth Tennis News

The future of tennis. Anytime. Anywhere.

Now available from the Apple Store or Google Play is the Net Generation Coaching App. for your smartphone or device, with access to world-class curricula and instructional teaching videos.

Coaches, parents and teachers can also view pre-built Net Generation lesson plans, and build your own lesson plans. Users can utilize the on-court assessment feature allowing evaluation of players, and the ability to determine when players are ready to move on to the next level.

In order to gain access to all the content and tools, providers must first register and compete the Net Generation Safe Play Program. To ensure a safe and secure environment for kids, all Net Generation providers are required to complete a complimentary Safe Play background screening as part of the registration process. Screening consists of three-steps that providers complete after providing their personal information and organization details.

To download the app go to the Apple Store or Google Play and search for the Net Generation Coaching App. For more info on the Net Generation Safe Play Program go to
